Mawa Raw Foxnuts - Phool Makhana 500gm - QualityFood
Mawa Raw Foxnuts - Phool Makhana 500gm - QualityFood
Mawa Raw Foxnuts - Phool Makhana 500gm - QualityFood
Mawa Raw Foxnuts - Phool Makhana 500gm - QualityFood


Mawa Raw Foxnuts - Phool Makhana 500gm

Regular price AED 44.14
* Per Piece

Expiration Date: 2025-01-30

Weight: 500g

Product Description: Raw foxnuts, also known as "makhana" or "lotus seeds," are nutrient-packed, crunchy snacks harvested from the seeds of the lotus flower. Naturally low in calories and high in fiber, these foxnuts are an ideal guilt-free treat for the health-conscious. With their neutral taste, they make an excellent base for various sweet and savory recipes, elevating your snacking experience.

Ingredients: Foxnuts