Walnut 300g - QualityFood

By Merw Honey

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Walnut 300g

Regular price Sale price AED 38.35 61.95
* Per Piece

Expiration Date: 2024-02-05

Weight: 300g

Product Description: Full of nutrition, crunch, and flavour, these healthy nuts called walnuts are a quick and nutritious way to improve health. This remarkable nut is a great source of fibres, vitamins, antioxidants, essential fats, and protein. Something you can fill your pockets with and have while rushing for work and will also help satisfy your growling stomach. One can use it in many ways and add to their favourite recipes in a crushed, chopped, or roasted form. You can make pesto sauce with walnuts for flatbread and pasta, use it as a topping for salads, and add in the homemade granola or fruits.

Ingredients: Walnuts