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healthy lifestyle, Kefir, Probiotics -

The world is your oyster when your day begins with a wholesome, probiotic-dense breakfast to super power your routine. If your journey to discover protein-rich whole foods has led you to the mysteries of effervescent kefir, then consider these pearls of wisdom. Making your own kefir is a great way to jump start a healthful routine. Kefir is a delicious probiotic drink that comes in two main varieties: yogurt and water-based for those who prefer a dairy-free or vegan lifestyle. Kefir pearls, also called "grains," are tiny beads of powerful good bacteria that promote healthy gut flora and overall wellness.  Learn more...

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exercise, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, quality food -

Did you make a New Year's resolution to eat right, exercise, lose weight, and make a change in 2020? The reality is most people abandon their new year's resolution after just a few weeks. If you were not able to keep it going, do not worry, there is still plenty of time left in this year to make a positive impact in your health and lose a few pounds in the process. In order to make a change, you don't need to make a drastic turnaround from one day to the next; rather, take the time to think about where...

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#WorldCancerDay, Healthy food, healthy lifestyle, QualityFood -

World cancer day is an international time of recognition put in place by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), where the focus is on raising awareness with regard to the prevention, detection, and treatment of cancer.  The team at QualityFood would like to do our part by educating you all on the best all-natural, cancer-fighting foods available at the touch of a button on the QualityFood mobile app.  So, to start off, what is cancer? Cancer is referred to as the growth of abnormal cells that proliferate uncontrollably and destroy the body's tissue. Cancer-Fighting Foods While no foods can completely eradicate the possibility of someone developing cancer,...

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healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, save money -

You hear people all of the time saying they either have the money to do what they want but not enough time or the time to do what they want but not enough money. Sometimes, it seems like only the wealthy among us can live healthy lives. That could not be farther from the truth. Here are ten ways to live healthier and save money. 1. Cook your own food.  First of all, it's a lot cheaper to cook your own food than it is to constantly go out to eat. Secondly, it's a lot healthier because you know exactly what ingredients go into...

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