Beef  Black Angus Striploin Australia 250g

From Australia

Beef Black Angus Striploin Australia 250g

Regular price AED 32.50
* Per Pack

Weight: 350g

Product Description: Based in the picturesque countryside of Queensland, Australia, Stockyard beef is a globally renowned master at producing irresistible Black Angus striploin steak. Stockyard Gold Angus beef was recently recognised at the 2023 Royal Queensland Awards, and the brand has also won many other awards since it was established all the way back in 1958. Stockyard feeds its Black Angus cattle on a mixture of locally grown wholesome wheat, barley and sorghum, and under its Ausmeat-verified “Natural Program”, absolutely no antibiotics, animal by-products or genetically modified (GMO) feed products are used in any of its Black Angus striploins.