Thrriv Keto Smokey Bbq Chicken Pizza 470g - QualityFood

By Thrriv

Thrriv Keto Smokey Bbq Chicken Pizza 470g

Regular price AED 40.00
* Per Piece

Expiration Date: 2025-02-05

Weight: 470g

Product Description: This dish is all about the taste of barbeque! We infuse smokiness in the pizza with smoked paprika, creating a flavourful treat for your taste buds. As for making pizzas go, this is relatively quick and easy to make, so you can spend more time chowing down rather than slaving over an oven!

Ingredients: Mozzarella shredded, Almond flour , Whipping cream, Egg , Chopped Tomato, Tomato Paste, Dried Oregano, Himalayan Salt, Monk Fruit Sweetener, Olive Oil, Water, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Clove Powder, Apple Cider Vinegar, Presrvative(Citric Acid)., Garlic Puree, Red Onion, Ascorbic Acid. Chilli Flakes, Himalayan Salt, Smoked Paprika,Chicken, Cheddar Cheese, Olive oil